Thursday, October 24, 2013

Rubric for Project Essay

5 – Advanced
(above grade level)
4 – Proficient
(at grade level)
3 - Basic
2 - Below Basic
1 - Far Below Basic

·       2a
·       4
·   Insightfully addresses all aspects of the prompt
·   Introduces topic(s) in a sophisticated thesis statement
·   Competently addresses all aspects of the prompt
·   Introduces topic(s) in a clear thesis statement
·   Superficially addresses all aspects of the prompt
·   Introduces topic(s) in a thesis statement
·   Partially addresses all aspects of the prompt
·   Introduces superficial or flawed  topic(s) in a weak thesis statement
·   Minimally addresses all aspects of the prompt
·   Fails to introduce a relevant topic(s) and/or lacks a  thesis statement
Organi- zation/ Structure

·       2a
·       2c
·       2f
·       4

·   Skillfully orients reader to topic(s) in introduction and previews what is to follow

·   Thoroughly develops topic(s) with relevant body paragraphs
·   Provides a meaningful and reflective conclusion that follows from and supports information or explanation presented
·   Creates cohesion and clarifies relationships through skillful use of transition/linking words, phrases, and clauses within or between paragraphs

·   Purposefully and logically uses a variety of techniques (e.g., headings, charts) to organize ideas, concepts, and information to aid comprehension
·   Orients reader to topic(s) in introduction and previews what is to follow

·   Develops topic(s) with relevant body paragraphs
·   Provides a conclusion that follows from and supports information or explanation presented

·   Creates cohesion and clarifies relationships through transition/linking words, phrases, and clauses within or between paragraphs
·   Uses a variety of techniques (e.g., headings, charts) to organize ideas, concepts, and information to aid comprehension
·   Partially orients reader to topic(s) in introduction and previews what is to follow

·   Superficially develops topic(s) with relevant body paragraphs
·   Provides a conclusion which repetitively or partially follows from and supports information or explanation presented
·   Creates some cohesion and clarifies relationships through transition/linking words, phrases, and clauses within or between paragraphs
·   Uses some techniques (e.g., headings, charts) to adequately organize ideas, concepts and information to aid comprehension
·   Inadequately orients reader to topic(s) in introduction and/or fails to preview what is to follow
·   Inadequately develops topic(s) with minimal body paragraphs
·   Provides a sense of closure, but may weakly articulate significance of the topic

·   Uses limited or inappropriate transition/linking words, phrases, and clauses

·   Uses few techniques (e.g., headings, charts) to inadequately organize ideas, concepts, and information to aid comprehension
·   Fails to orient reader to topic(s) in introduction or introduction is missing

·   Fails to develop topic(s) with body paragraphs
·   Provides an inadequate conclusion or omits conclusion

·   Uses few to no transition/linking words, phrases, or  clauses

·   Includes little or no discernible organization of ideas

·       2
·       2b
·       9
·  Skillfully develops the topic using well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotes, and other information and examples that are pertinent and substantial
·   Effectively  integrates and cites credible sources*
·   Shows insightful understanding of topic or text
·  Develops the topic using well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotes, and other information and examples that are relevant and sufficient
·   Competently integrates and cites credible sources
·   Shows competent understanding of topic or text

·  Develops the topic using facts, definitions, concrete details, quotes, and other information and examples that are limited or superficial
·   Ineffectively integrates and cites sources
·   Shows superficial understanding of topic or text

·   Provides minimal and/or irrelevant evidence to develop the topic

·   Incorrectly integrates/cites sources
·   Shows limited or flawed understanding of topic or text

·  Provides inaccurate, little, or no  evidence to support topic

·   Does not use or cite sources

·   Shows no and/or inaccurate understanding of topic or text


CCSS – L:**
·       1
·       2
·       3
·       4
·       4

·   Uses purposeful and varied sentence structure
·   Contains minimal to no errors in conventions(grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization)
·   Strategically uses academic and domain-specific vocabulary clearly appropriate for the audience and purpose
·   Uses correct and varied sentence structure
·   Contains few,  minor errors in conventions

·   Competently uses academic and domain-specific vocabulary clearly appropriate for the audience and purpose
·   Uses mostly correct and some varied sentence structure
·   Contains some errors in conventions which may cause confusion
·   Usually uses academic and domain-specific vocabulary clearly appropriate for the audience and purpose
·   Uses limited and/or repetitive sentence structure
·   Contains numerous errors in conventions which cause confusion
·   Inadequately uses academic and domain-specific vocabulary clearly appropriate for the audience and purpose
·   Lacks sentence mastery (e.g., fragments/run-ons)
·   Contains serious and pervasive errors in conventions
·   Fails to use academic and domain-specific vocabulary clearly appropriate for the audience and purpose